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Arts & Culture

7 Reason Why We Should Be Interested In Art

Art is an integral part of our everyday lives, even if we do not always notice it.

Wonsuk Choi


Photo by Ashley Byrd on Unsplash

1. Art Is a Form of Expression

When we look around our surroundings, we can quickly see how art dominates our world. The way interiors are designed, the shape of a cup you hold, and the style of clothing you wear art all forms of the art integrated into our daily lives.

Many of us get confused thinking that art should always be a painting on canvas. But, as more different types of medium arise, it naturally emerges within our lifestyle.

Like how writers on Medium express their thoughts and ideas through writing, artists use their visual artworks to convey their ideas to the audience.

Art is an ever-changing industry that follows the trend over time based on how people think about society. It’s the reason why we have different trends in artwork in different times of history. It allows the audience to see what people have been through during that time and help look for patterns in our human history. We never know what the new trend will be, but we can always look back and see how the trend evolves to give us a hint.

2. It Can Be…



Wonsuk Choi
Wonsuk Choi

Written by Wonsuk Choi

2x Top Writer. Professional Risk Taker. I Write About Personal Growth, Productivity, Business, Relationships, and Life Overall.

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