Personal Development

Your Net Worth Is Your Net Value Provided To Others

It’s not all about money in the end.

Wonsuk Choi
3 min readSep 13, 2021


Photo by Joshua Sukoff on Unsplash

We’ve come to a stage where people value individuals based on how much money they have. I know this for a fact because whenever I type in well-known individuals on Google, the automated search box also showed “[individual] net worth.” It’s amazing to see how these people have amassed a fortune that most of us won’t even earn in hundreds of years. The world of capitalism sometimes really amazes me because there seems to be no ceiling.

On the other hand, I was curious whether a person’s net worth always has to do with the amount of their asset.

I’ve recently asked my followers a question on my Bitclout feed to see whether they’d choose $100,000 in cash right now or 100,000 subscribers on their email list. Although the response varied, many have chosen the latter option. And I would also choose the subscribers over the immediate cash because of the following reasons:

1. Money comes and goes.

Money is great. I won’t deny it.

It allows us to purchase goods or services that elevate our lifestyle with ease. Without money, it’s definitely hard to stay afloat in a society where everything seems to be…



Wonsuk Choi

2x Top Writer. Professional Risk Taker. I Write About Personal Growth, Productivity, Business, Relationships, Business, and Life Overall.